Design Your Way to the Top: an Entrepreneur’s Guide to Marketing and Design eBook

Marketing and design can be unforgivably daunting when you’re starting your business. As an entrepreneur, you probably have way too much on your shoulders, so let us take some of the pressure off. Taking the first steps to level up your marketing strategy and visuals is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if you have the right tools. That’s why we’ve put together a marketing and design ebook that combines all the best knowledge from our blog into a whole.
It’s a structured guide for small business owners covering everything you need to know about getting started. We’ve included gorgeous ready-to-use templates and mockups that make everything even easier.
Who is the eBook for?
Although many people can benefit from this material, we’ve designed it around the needs of small business owners and entrepreneurs. It’s for the people who are juggling everything from developing their products to marketing to accounting and beyond.
The eBook isn’t focused on any specific industry, and the advice given can be used whether you’re just starting or want to grow your revenue.
What’s in the Entrepreneur’s Guide to Marketing and Design Ebook?
As the title hints, the eBook is divided into two parts: marketing and design.
In the first part, we talk about how to put together an effective marketing plan, what to pay attention to on your website, your content strategy and growing your social media. We break down all the big marketing terms from SEO to UX into easily understandable chunks. We promise it’s not as difficult as it sounds.
In the second part, we take a look at all the design elements you need to get started. The eBook covers everything from creating your logo to designing your merch. Before that, we take a look at what it even means to be a designer (spoiler: you already are one!). Finally, we’ll teach you how to spice up your visuals with fun image effects that don’t require Photoshop.
By the time you finish the Entrepreneur’s Guide to Marketing and Design eBook, you’ll have everything it takes to start your climb to the top. Both marketing and design take a lot of trial and error. So, if at first you don’t succeed, don’t get discouraged. You will get the hang of it.
Are you ready to design your way to the top?
Happy designing!
Visualize your design Use a product mockup to showcase your design

Create your design Use our templates to create delightful designs for any medium