10 Post Ideas for Social Media in November

Just like that here comes November. It’s the last month of autumn and the last month before Christmas! Indeed, we’re enjoying the last of the autumnal colors as we bring you our monthly roundup of what to share on social media in November. We take pride in enabling marketers, entrepreneurs, bloggers and anyone to create designs and mockups. So, we do hope we’ve helped to make your life easier.
NB: Each template is customizable to the size of the social media channel of your choice. Simply click on “Templates” in menu on the left of your design and select which social media post/design size you’d like.
With that, let’s get the ball rolling for November!
1. World Vegan Month
First, we have World Vegan Month. It’s is celebrated in November every year to commemorate “the coining of the term, ‘vegan’ and the founding of The Vegan Society in November 1944”. Kickstarting November with World Vegan Day on 1 November, World Vegan Month is a time to “recognise and celebrate the positive effect plant-based living can have on our planet and to our health”.

Have some yummy vegan recipes to share? Or perhaps a tip or two about being vegan? Check out easy-to-use Pinterest template and make sure to tag #WorldVeganMonth.
2. National Caregivers Appreciation Month
This November is also National Caregivers Appreciation Month. This is “a time to honor the people who give freely of their time and resources in the service of others”. Caregiving for a family member or loved one is often a round-the-clock job. That has an impact, sometimes a significant one, on the caregiver’s life as well. Thus, let’s remember to thank them for everything they do on social media in November.

Pay tribute to and thank caregivers with our Facebook post template.
Next, let’s move on to specific thematic national and international days of celebration. All perfect to celebrate on social media in November.
3. National Author’s Day – 1 November
Whose books are you a fan of? Know some authors amongst your friends? It took Nellie Verne Burt McPherson of the Illinois Women’s Club” 20 years to get National Author’s Day recognized so be sure to pay tribute to authors today! Read a new book, share your favorite excerpts and get everyone reading.

Why not share some of your favorite books with your followers using one of our mockup templates. Insert the cover of your favorite book on a suitable mockup. There are lots to choose from! Encourage them to share their favorites too, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #NationalAuthorsDay.
4. Diwali – 4 November
Diwali, also called Deepavali, is “India’s biggest and most important holiday of the year”. Known as the festival of lights, Diwali is a special time for Hindus, Sikhs and Jains around the world as it celebrates “new beginnings and the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness”.

Wish your fellow Hindu, Sikh and Jain followers a happy Diwali with this Facebook template. Remember to personalize it to suit your brand.
5. Veterans Day – 11 November
11 November is the day to pay respects to all the military veterans who have served. Veterans Day “originated as “Armistice Day” on Nov. 11, 1919, the first anniversary of the end of World War I”. Veterans Day is mostly celebrated in the US. Nevertheless, we think it’s a good time to recognize the sacrifices and show our love to all who have served to thank them for all that they have done.

Commemorate veterans with our drag-and-drop Facebook post template you can easily edit in our design maker.
6. World Kindness Day – 13 November
The Cambridge dictionary defines ‘kind’ as “generous, helpful, and thinking about other people’s feelings”. On 13 November, it’s the day to celebrate “the importance of being kind to each other, to yourself, and to the world.” Recently, there’s a lot of division in society. Hence, we think it’s especially important to celebrate being kind.

Remind your followers to be kind to each other using this illustrated template.
7. International Tolerance Day – 16 November
International Tolerance Day is aimed at “fostering mutual understanding among cultures and peoples”. Commemorated since 1996, the “UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 51/95”, which “affirms that tolerance is neither indulgence nor indifference”. As ToleranceDay.org puts it, “we need to change the way people think and work towards a sustainable future”. We couldn’t agree more!

Use this template to celebrate different cultures around you.
8. Universal Children’s Day – 20 November
First established in 1954, Universal Children’s Day promotes “international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare”. With recent times showing us how inequality has affected every child’s rights from “climate change, education and mental health, to ending racism and discrimination”, now’s the time to stand together with children and young people around the world for a better future.

Celebrate World Children’s Day by showing your support for a better future for our children and youth with our Instagram post maker.
9. World Hello Day – 21 November
If you’ve never heard of World Hello Day, now’s the time to say hello to it! This year is the 49th annual World Hello Day, which “begun in response to the conflict between Egypt and Israel in the Fall of 1973”. What should you do on this day? Simply say hello to 10 people and practice some personal communication.

Use our drag-and-drop Facebook post maker and inspire your followers to say hello to 10 people around them in different languages. Even if they do it virtually!
10. Thanksgiving – 25 November
It’s Thanksgiving – the day to celebrate “the harvest and other blessings of the past year”! While “much of its original significance” is now lost, many do gather on this day to share a meal, give thanks and volunteer to help others.

Share the joy of Thanksgiving this cute Facebook post with an illustration of a turkey.
We hope this helps you with your social media plan for November! Do tag us on social media if you use any of our templates. We’d love to see how you commemorate these special events and days.
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